Monday, April 30, 2012

Top 3 Backpack

Henry's sketch show a lot of communication by demonstrating different perspective of the bag and some detail, and scale.  Also, he shows  description of each detail how it function.  He also add accessory for his bag. Their perspectives are very good. There is good lines quality.  Shading is good,  seeing very realistic.  Well done!

 Tristan draws the back in two angel view; one showing the front part and the other show the back part.  Very symmetrical and very simple. His perspective is good. there is good line quality. The composition is good. Nice title font. his drawing is very understandable.
Griffin draws the back in perspective and the other drawing is the zoom from the front pocket.  the design is very original. His Perspective are a little off. his shading s are very nice. Maybe he should add shadow. Nice drawing.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cube in Perspective

Cube in 30/60 Degree Perspective

Cube in 45/45 Degree Perspective

Monday, April 23, 2012